Executive & Leadership Coaching

You have enough friends, but you need a coach who will ask the hard questions and tell you the truth to serve your aims and goals. The senior executive’s role can be filled with pressure, making you feel frenetic and isolated. “Work-life balance” is BS. You don’t want fifty percent of anything. You want one hundred percent fulfillment wherever you go! We start with several brief evaluation tools (including a 360 assessment for clarity and insight into what you are encountering and how others experience you). Then we design our coaching relationship to evoke creative solutions to ensure your personal, career, and developmental goals remain on track. Whether on-site/in-person engagements or through technology, you will stay sharp, stay challenged, and keep growing. Remember, I am here to serve you, not to please you.

One-to-One Individual Life Coaching

You can change your reality if you change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. What do you really want? During times of change and upheaval, we often seek others who can walk with us on the journey. When I coach you, we’ll create deep, lasting, and profound changes in your life. Become more connected to your values, unique abilities, and what’s important to you. Gain clarity about what you want and how to achieve it. Take more effective and focused actions, and become more passionate about your entire life. Be more fully engaged, gain positive momentum, and experience more satisfaction, joy, and balance in your life. Your friends and family members likely can’t ask you the hard questions. You may need a coach.