Organization & Systems Coaching:

"When we started talking about whether Gregg could be helpful to our organization, I felt like he was asking the right questions and truly heard what I had to say. He made me feel comfortable that he would be able to understand who we are and quickly help us.

Dr. Calvin B. Coblentz, CEO, Partners INW

Anytime I bring a consultant in, it’s a big commitment. As a CEO, I think my favorite part of working with Gregg was that I could introduce a new voice to my team. Gregg brought a valuable voice and could see things differently from me. He didn’t have the blind spots that I had. It was invaluable. Gregg helped us clarify our values and confirmed what was vital to our organization: our guiding principles. Gregg spent time (even though I didn’t give him clear instructions or objectives) doing some analytical work early on, helping us get to the “why” of what truly mattered to us. Once we definitively clarified our values, we were confident in them. We engaged in the process so intentionally that by the end, we were 100% confident, and everybody was engaged. The process he led us through was invaluable to gaining confidence, so now those four values translate to everything we do. 

Gregg was patient and gently held us accountable. He was not afraid to kindly push back if we were off track. He could be flexible with us and give us the space to process with a balanced approach. 

I recommend Gregg to the nonprofit sector (that’s what I know), but also especially in growing organizations. Gregg’s leadership would benefit organizations that want to understand themselves better and be more strategic about their vision. We haven’t used him in this way (yet), but I think he would also be excellent in the one-on-one development of our leaders. The personal development of key individuals on our team would benefit from his voice, which can provide a different perspective and positively influence their leadership style."

Rev. Dr. Ferdie Llenado, Pastor at Fairwood Community UMC

“I knew about Gregg from others because of his expertise in facilitating conflict resolution in a church experiencing tension, which we are. His skill set fits perfectly with what we are going through, and what he brought was a major step forward in terms of us going in the right direction as a congregation. I had high expectations, high hopes, and a sense of confidence in Gregg. He came to our space and facilitated really well. He anchored us into our basic intention (guiding us with best practices for healthy communication), gave us a sense of direction about how the workshop would go, kept us on track, and pulled us back gently when we were off track. In addition, Gregg was courageous in naming toxic emotions that are not healthy for the church, so we can be mindful and honest about when we don’t communicate well with one another. It was also helpful to name our shared values to create our future together. We will need to go through this as a continuous process for our church to move forward into the future together.

We now feel lighter, and there is a sense of hope. I also notice a texture of vulnerability where we are more open to listening to one another. I had not seen that in the past. Our situation now feels more fluid, and we can move forward together. The initial workshop was very helpful in bringing down some of our walls and barriers, and it connected us in a deeper way. Gregg has excellent experience engaging conflict in healthy ways. Any church or organization experiencing conflict, or even if you’re just experiencing a feeling of “stuck-ness,” will find Gregg incredibly helpful!”

“I was familiar with Gregg’s energy, having seen him work around the conference and in different groups. I knew he was going to be straightforward and he would be well-prepared. I also trusted that he would respect my leadership, support me, and not undermine me. I appreciated the time Gregg spent getting to know me, getting to know the church, and taking the time to talk with some of our leaders. Before the workshop, Gregg spent a fair amount of time researching, which helped us prepare. On the day of the workshop, we felt prepared and ready. 

Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Schaadt, Pastor at Ridgefield Community UMC

My only concerns beforehand were about the church. Our church said it had done this kind of workshop many times in previous years. We didn’t want it to be a waste of time or resources. How it turned out was even better than expected! We had more people show up and engage than I had hoped. We had representation from across the congregation (including longtime members, but we also had a lot of new people). They’ve stayed engaged in the process and continue to meet. We appreciated Gregg’s energy and the activities he guided us through, and he helped us look at everything from different perspectives. We also enjoyed the playfulness, but then we also spoke from our hearts. I also appreciated that I (as the pastor) was participating in the workshop with them. At the end of the workshop, the board and the leadership team are all on the same page. 

The most significant outcome of hiring Gregg was helping new people step fully into leadership! We are holding on to the church’s identity, but we’re allowing more voices to be at the table. I’m encouraged that I feel like I had the pulse (of the church) all along. But now, I am using the tools Gregg brought to us and using them to continue to help clarify our actions and decisions. If you are part of a church (or organization) that is trying hard and putting your heart and soul into your work, but it doesn’t seem to be coming together, Gregg can help you put the puzzle pieces together!”

Andrew Gorton, General Manager Rockwood South Hill

“After two years of working under the relentless stresses of the pandemic, and the exhausting weight of constant crisis management, the leadership team was searching for concrete solutions out of a malaise.  Gregg was keenly aware of our struggles and facilitated concrete solutions.  Gregg conducted several sessions with the team that allowed us to define our current reality, and to really vent out the issues causing our stress, anxiety, anger and frustration.  Through this process Gregg helped us to redefine how we wanted the future to look, and envision a proactive path. We realized that we do have control over our environment and the ability to re-establish a positive influence over the culture. Gregg’s empathetic methods gave us permission to coalesce our thoughts, and the confidence to begin to develop and execute actions plans to address these issues.  We are grateful for Gregg’s time and energy to help our team, and the results are certainly positive.”

“As the chair of our Administrative Board, I knew our congregation needed a clearer sense of direction, and I needed more guidance. Our community and congregation have been changing and growing at a rapid pace, and we needed help. I felt confident this was our direction because I was convinced God was leading Gregg to us.

Carolyn Almond

Administrative Board Chairperson, Ridgefield Community UMC

The whole process made so much sense to me! Gregg helped us clarify our values and then helped us identify our strategic directions. It just ‘clicked’ because, in our board meetings, we’ve been talking about defining each group’s responsibility and authority. We needed guidelines and a more straightforward process to follow. This initial work was a “jumping off spot” for us; now, we can take it from here. We were most pleased with the NEW people who could participate. The new folks participating helped them to know that we value their input. The workshop clarified how the church operates, and it unified us. And that was so exciting because we’re moving forward.

There have got to be a lot of churches (and other organizations) out there that need help focusing on a direction and need a focus. We needed someone from the outside trained to pull us together and focus us in a specific direction. Our church was open and ready for this. I don’t think every group is ready for change like we were. For those that are ready, Gregg is a tremendous resource, and he makes a huge difference!”

Individual Coaching:

“My favorite part of being coached by Gregg was having "a-ha" moments in which I gained clarity about the stuff that kept bubbling up, and this now allows me to show up with authenticity in various spaces. In retrospect, the uncomfortable moments were my favorite moments because it's where things clicked and made sense. Gregg helped me extend the same compassion I have for others so that I can be more compassionate with myself. After our first deep dive, it was clear that I could be honest, candid, and emotional as needed. I trust Gregg.

Rev. Alissa (Bertsch) Amestoy

The most significant transformation I experienced was my boost of confidence. I was heading into several significant transitions, and I now realize I have gifts to bring to this moment that nobody else can bring. I can now step outside the "storms" more frequently and let them fade away. I thought coaching would be focused on the professional level, and it surprised me how much it touched on the personal. I deeply explored what it feels like to be in transition and found a way to make space and deal with my feelings so I'm not always playing catch up emotionally.

I would recommend Gregg to anyone who has maybe tried everything else. If you have read the books, talked to friends, and perhaps even worked with a therapist, but you still haven't found a space where you can ask big questions of yourself (or even the system you're in), Gregg creates a safe space. He can help you figure out your direction, gain clarity in vocational discernment, redefine values, and explore new paths. Gregg will invite you to dream really big!”

Matthew Jackson

"Before I came to Gregg, I felt directionless, not necessarily in a bad way, but in the sense that I could go multiple directions. And then we had our first session, and Gregg helped me realize how excited I was to go fully in each direction! I had previously encountered others who were "life coaches" still figuring out what they wanted to do with their life. But this is what Gregg is doing with his life and he's good at it! He uses gentle accountability, and he asks powerful follow-up questions. In working with Gregg, I experienced incredible focus. I tend to be very unfocused, so Gregg gave me tangible (mental/tactical) tools to stay focused. I was surprised by how much we both love metaphors and analogies. We just speak the same language. I am not a corporate client, and I love how much he loved working with a "weirdo" like me, an actor and stand-up comedian. I came out of the sessions feeling like he had a good time too!

I have already recommended Gregg to some of my actor friends, but he would also be helpful to teachers, construction workers, or anyone else who wants to build a life. Even if you don't know what you're creating, you should talk to Gregg, and you'll discover what kind of life you want to make. If you're a muggle, it's okay. You can still work with Gregg. If you want to create a magical life, you can still come to this ‘wand-maker,’ and magic will appear!"

Nancy Morlock

“I came to Gregg when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. It felt like coaching would be the perfect thing that would help me to discern some big life questions (related to possible retirement and family member’s illness). I truly trust Gregg. He helped me believe in myself again. I felt like it was just what I needed at the time. He helped me to really dive down deep into who I was being and what I was going through. Gregg helped me to see things more clearly. The perspective shifts that he invited me to take were extremely helpful, especially as I had hard decisions to make. It was a huge transition for me to move away from something that I had done for so many years. Gregg helped me with relationships and gave me the strength to come to the right decision for me. There's a "people pleaser" in me that would have shied away from making hard decisions at the time. The biggest surprise was that I felt clarity and increased strength in my identity about who God created me to be, and I grew in my ability to live into that. I would recommend Gregg to just about everybody I know."

Rev. David King

"Because I was feeling lost (professionally), someone who had previously worked with Gregg referred me to him. I was discouraged and needed a clear sense of direction. I was hoping he could help me with that, which he did! I was expecting coaching to be more technical and found it much more spiritual. The most meaningful aspect of our coaching has been rediscovering a sense of self that I didn't have or had lost. I have also recovered a sense of appreciation for my gifts and a newfound sense of purpose and confidence in myself. I have something valuable and meaningful to share with the world, and I find joy when I am actually doing that. I recommend Gregg to anyone seeking joy and a sense of purpose.”

Pastor Ryan Atwood

"I was struggling to figure out what I wanted my job to be, how I could serve people best, and what it all meant to me. I needed a helping hand to figure out where I wanted things to go in my life. Before we began, I was a little concerned, knowing that I might have to share some personal or scary stuff. I didn't know whether I should be experiencing what I was experiencing. Once I started working with Gregg, I felt immediately very comfortable and like I could share anything, and it was all held confidentially. My favorite part of working with him was the way he helped me think deeply and learn new ways to view things, new ways to view life, and new ways to view myself. I'm learning how to deal with any anxiety and self-doubt, learning how to build confidence in myself, and I'm learning how to express myself. I'm also learning to be mindful, especially when facing anxiety and worries. I am learning how to quiet the voice that says I'm not good enough and how to have self-confidence in a way that fits into the humility required for ministry. I now view myself as somebody I like. I also feel comfortable being the same guy behind the pulpit as I am with my friends. I'm learning to emphasize the things I like about myself and either work on or have grace with myself about the things I don't like. I feel more comfortable with my pastoral identity and being fully myself. I'm finding it easier now to have confidence and balance my work and personal life.

I was surprised about how much potential I was able to realize, how much success I could have, and how quickly I could see changes in issues and problems that I'd dealt with for years or decades. We were able to confront them in a matter of weeks or months. I recommend Gregg to anyone who is having trouble balancing work and life, anyone who needs some help confronting their anxieties, anyone who has self-confidence issues, anyone who needs some help making big decisions, anyone struggling in any way with their career, their confidence level or any personal, emotional or spiritual issues."

Lizzie Riesenberg

"I wanted to expand my life, make my life different, and accomplish a lot, but I did not have the confidence to know exactly how to move forward. What should I do? What did I really want? I wasn’t sure. I encountered Gregg when he worked with our agency, and I felt like I could really trust him. He was a very good listener.

My favorite part of this work was talking about me all the time! I like talking about myself, and I think I’m very interesting. I could say whatever was on my mind, and I never felt like Gregg was trying to “fix” me.

The most significant transformation I experienced was letting go of my anger. I was stuck in that story. I regained some of the fire and confidence I had lost long ago. I got a little bit of my badass attitude back! Throughout our coaching, I was able to focus on being present. When I’m not present, I’m living in the past and reliving what happened, how I got hurt, and who said what. But when I’m present, there’s no chaos in my mind. I can appreciate it, but then let go and let my guard down. Gregg is excellent at what he does. I’ve been around many coaches and natural healers, and he focused on helping me. He never stops learning.

I recommended him to one of my friends who can’t figure out what she wants to do next in life. I would also recommend him to anyone in transition (for example, younger people, single moms, and people who are not making great decisions) or those guided by what they “should” do. Anyone who needs someone to help them pull up those boots, get them tied and get moving, those who don’t have confidence in themselves, people who have so much potential but don’t have a mentor or someone who’s got their back would benefit from having Gregg as their coach."

Hilary Douglas

“My sessions with Gregg were very positive and helpful. He helped me find areas in my personal and professional life to be more productive and to help me build my business. He gave me great tools to help me with this going forward. I would definitely recommend Gregg to anyone who wants to improve themselves personally or professionally.”

Group Coaching Program (“PRIDE Groups”):

“After one session, it was clear that I wanted to do more. This group coaching was a good opportunity, and I was excited to continue. I knew Gregg would be our coach, but I wasn’t sure who else would be in the group. I wondered about how much I would open up to strangers. I found the other people in the group didn’t just listen to my stories, but they became part of my story. They paid attention to my stories, not simply listening to me, but they were attentive. There was a unique makeup in the group coaching environment. One person mentioned that it was a safe place where we could share even uncomfortable truths. We were able to communicate honestly and openly without fear or hesitation.

Rev. John Go

The modules about our purpose statement and metaphors helped me reimagine and reflect on my identity. It helped me connect the dots between the past and uncertain future events. The process connected my sense of identity with my desires, and I understand better where those desires come from. What surprised me the most was the session where we shared tears and emotions, and I felt deeply connected. I never expected that kind of intimacy. It was special.

Mid-life crises can come at any age and in all different ways. It can be losing a job, it can be relationships, or it can be a career. Do we have to continue, or do we do something else? For any challenge we face, coaching can be another way to look at yourself and your career. Coaching is not only for those in crisis; when we make time (or set aside time), we can look truthfully and honestly at our life. Everyone can benefit from coaching. One-on-one coaching has been very helpful, but group coaching allows more colleagues to listen to our story without giving us the answer. Sharing myself has given me a lot of confidence.”

Stacy Meredith

“I wanted to work with Gregg because he was highly recommended by someone I’m very confident in. After our first phone call, I instantly felt very comfortable. During our first session, I knew I could share my deepest, darkest secrets, and I would not be judged. It just felt right. He very gently explained the whole process, and whatever questions I had, he answered without judgment. What brought me to do this work was feeling kind of trapped and desperate in my career. During our first conversation, I realized I didn’t want to leave due to desperation but rather because the right opportunity arose. That sealed the deal for me.

I realized this was a safe place to share all my feelings and emotions, which was not as scary when guided by someone I feel safe with. I expected that coaching would be a certain way (perhaps focusing on my job), but it ended up being whole-life focused. So many of the modules from the coaching helped me become more competent, not just in my work but also in finding more inner strength and belief in myself; an inner peace without feeling like I need to be more or do more. The affirmations from the whole group were meaningful. Hearing those affirmations from people that haven’t known me all my life was powerful. We got to know each other deeply in a short time. It surprised me how natural it was to work in a group virtually. It felt like we were all in the same room.

I recommend (coaching or group coaching) to anyone searching for more. Perhaps you don’t have the confidence, don’t know how to get there, or feel like you’re just missing something. Whether you’re a little bit nervous about starting a new venture, need tools or encouragement, or are overly stressed, Gregg has so many great techniques to bring you back to being present in this moment and focusing on what is most important. Whether it’s life, work, or family, Gregg had the skills to help guide and reframe what’s most important to me.” 

“Based on my previous relationship with Gregg, I trusted he had wisdom to share with me. We previously connected for a brief coaching session when I had a specific situation that I needed to work through, and based on how I responded, I knew that the group coaching would help me deal with some ongoing, deeper needs as well.

Rev. Cody Natland

I felt like I wasn't as effective as I wanted to be, and reflecting deeply with Gregg and the group in intentionally set apart times was beneficial. I felt very supported, welcomed, and encouraged in this coaching relationship. I appreciated doing this work in a community with the group of folks in my group coaching cohort, where we could share our wisdom and experiences and find solutions together. My most significant learning has been about how to establish healthy boundaries. I have found joy, passion, and excitement in my work and am even more present with my family at home. In this process, I was surprised by how much I already knew in my mind or heart about what I needed to do, but it was powerful having that drawn out. Being able to say things out loud that I already had a sense of helped me to be able to own them. Then to hear them reflected and affirmed, not just by Gregg but by others who are a part of this group, was exactly what I needed. I felt support from different angles and several different people.

I recommend coaching, in general, for those struggling to find a way forward, find their passion, find their next steps in life, or figure out how to be effective in their work. I recommend group coaching with Gregg to anybody who finds power in community. Especially if you feel awkward in one-on-one situations, you may find you can open up more in a group setting with collegial feedback and opportunities to collaborate.”

[Specific references are always available upon request and additional quotes and testimonials are always being added]